NOTING that Customs administrations throughout the world perform a number of vitally important tasks on behalf of their Governments and contribute to national goals such as revenue collection, community protection, trade facilitation and protection of national security;
ACKNOWLEDGING that integrity is a critical issue for all nations and for all Customs administrations and that the presence of corruption can severely limit Customs capacity to effectively accomplish its mission. The adverse effects of corruption can include :
- a reduction in national security and community protection;
- revenue leakage and fraud;
- a reduction in foreign investment;
- increased costs which are ultimately borne by the community;
- the maintenance of barriers to international trade and economic growth;
- a reduction in public trust and confidence in government institutions;
- a reduction in the level of trust and co-operation between Customs administrations and other government agencies;
- a reduction in the level of voluntary compliance with Customs laws and regulations; and
- low staff morale and “esprit de corps”;
CONSIDERING that corruption can be combated effectively only as part of a comprehensive national effort;
AFFIRMING that a priority for all Governments should be to ensure that Customs is free of corruption. This requires firm political will and a sustained commitment to the fight against corruption;